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[美國直購] Thermos 2700TRI6 罐裝飲料保溫/保冷杯 Stainless Steel Beverage Can Insulator for 12 Ounce Can, Gunmetal 售價:999 我要購買 |
Thermos vacuum insulation technology allows for maximum temperature retention, hot or cold The Genuine Thermos Brand Beverage Can Insulator is the go-to item for tailgating, road trips, and keeping canned beverages cold longer than ever before. Featuring double wall stainless steel construction, this vacuum insulated can insulator keeps hands protected from icy cold cans and keeps drinks cold up to three hours, 10 times longer than a bare can. The sweat-proof design will not leave water rings and the rubber grip is comfortable to hold. Fits most automotive cup holders. Product Dimensions3 x 3 x 7.3 inches ![]() |
除了[美國直購] Thermos 2700TRI6 罐裝飲料保溫/保冷杯 Stainless Steel Beverage Can Insulator for 12 Ounce Can, Gunmetal Gray 相關商品及價格也一並整理成資料,提供給大家參考~網路價格隨時會調整,請以原網購平台資料為準!走過路過,千萬不要錯過!請參閱詳細商品資訊[美國直購] Thermos 2700TRI6 罐裝飲料保溫/保冷杯 Stainless Steel Beverage Can Insulator for 12 Ounce Can, Gunmetal Gray到實際到銷售的EC去看,價格就有機會再便宜一些!因為我自己也想要了解[美國直購] Thermos 2700TRI6 罐裝飲料保溫/保冷杯 Stainless Steel Beverage Can Insulator for 12 Ounce Can, Gunmetal Gray,所以到處尋找資訊做功課. |
JOHNNY一向是個理性的消費者,能讓他讚賞的商品不多了![美國直購] Thermos 2700TRI6 罐裝飲料保溫/保冷杯 Stainless Steel Beverage Can Insulator for 12 Ounce Can, Gunmetal Gray該商品熱烈銷售中~ 避免向隅,欲購從速~整理資訊大致有分享文、開箱文、試用文、評鑑文、推薦文、是否便宜、優缺點等資訊.最近有些網友在問[美國直購] Thermos 2700TRI6 罐裝飲料保溫/保冷杯 Stainless Steel Beverage Can Insulator for 12 Ounce Can, Gunmetal Gray要去哪裡買最便宜呢?雅虎購物、momo購物及博客來是我比較常去逛的EC網購平台,常常有優惠商品可撿便宜。 |